Sunday, August 10, 2008

Christians Having Fun

Salt Shakers is the name of one of my church fellowship groups in which people who at first didn't know each other very well, get together about eight times a year to eat, pray, and have fun!
We recently had our monthly outing playing miniature golf at Young's Dairy. The women beat the men by five strokes, but the pain of defeat was lessened by a vanilla milkshake that was enjoyed afterward. The barbecue chicken dinner before we played didn't hurt either!

In the middle of Young's Dairy, we offered prayers for various needs among our group - not something I usually do on my own in the middle of an ice-cream store!

The Book of Acts tells us that the early Christians often got together for meals and fellowship (Acts 2:42-47.) I don't think it's any coincidence that the church grew because of the deep relationships that were formed among those first disciples in the name of Jesus.

One of the goals of our church is to help every person in the congregation get connected with a fellowship group that will help them grow in their faith and feel part of the larger church family.

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