Friday, August 22, 2008

Sermon Planning Retreat

This September, I will be going on a personal sermon planning retreat to plan sermons and worship themes for each Sunday in 2009. This will include lectionary based sermons as well topical sermon series.

Regarding possible sermon series topics, I'm interested in knowing what topics you would like me to consider addressing/preaching. Here are a few of my ideas going into the retreat. Keep in mind that I am completely in the brainstorming (anything goes stage) at this point.

  • Heresies - A look at past church heresies and how they sometimes surface in the church today.

  • Dog Traits & Faith - Not sure where I'm going with this but dogs have traits that might help us to have a stronger faith.
  • John Wesley's Three Simple Rules - Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.

  • 5 Practices of Fruitful congregations - Radical Hospitality. Passionate Worship. Faith Forming Relationship. Risk Taking Mission. Extravagant Generosity.

  • Note to Self - A look at some crazy things biblical people have done and how we should learn from their mistakes.

In 2008, our sermon series have included, "Why I'm a United Methodist," "Tying the Knot," "Sharing Our Faith," "The Crosses of Jesus," "Busting Myths," Happy Birthday," and our present, "What Breaks God's Heart" sermon series.

Each year, I submit my sermon plan for the upcoming year no later than October 31st, which just so happens to be Reformation Day, an appropriate day since the Reformers emphasized the importance of scripture and preaching!

For this retreat, I'll be taking my laptop, my bible, some commentaries, the United Methodist Hymnal, and a couple of books that might spark some sermon series ideas. I'll begin and end each day in worship and also take some time to take walks, listen to God, and pray for my family and for Faith Community. Retreats have always helped me to renew, reenergize, and reconnect to Jesus. Since preaching is one of my top passions in pastoral ministry, this retreat will be very energizing for me.

I invite you to offer your comments on possible sermon topics. While at the retreat, I'll prayerfully consider what God is calling our church to focus upon in 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Pastor Robert -- Since you are in the brainstorming session I thought I'd offer up a thought on a possible sermon topic that may be a bit different -- Expressing Your Christianity Electronically.

    What I am thinking about is how surprised I am by how people -- who I know to be very nice -- take on a completely different (i.e., offensive) tone when they are communicating electronically (i.e., email, blog postings, etc.).

    It would be interesting to see how you can explore how Christ can be present during electronic communications.
