Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Update from Eric Bondapa

Eric Bondapa, the Africa University student who our Common Cup ministry was going to host this past summer and who is studying for the pastoral ministry, sends this word of thanks for the recent love gift our churches sent him. We also gave a financial gift to Africa University.

This past week, Faith Community focused on tithing our financial gifts toward the work of Christ and the church as part of our 40 day stewardship campaign. Eric's letter is another reminder among many of why it is sheer joy to offer our gifts to those in need. Enjoy his letter.

Eric's Letter:

To all members of common cup ministry:

I have come through this letter explain my gratitude and acknowledge receiving 900$ from you, which is directed to my studies at Africa University . Because of the love shown to me, I wanted to thank all the churches that participated in raising this money. For me it is a great benediction to have this money, really this will make a difference in all my life. Because, It will keep reminding me of God's working through his people. It is true that when we receive from God, he also except us to be faithful servants.

I thank the Churches for having this spirit of sharing, because the Bible says "when you do this to the least of these people, you do it to me." "Jesus-Christ"

I realized God's love when I received this money for my studies. This transfer God's love that reaches my life. You are doing it through your hands to touch all my Love; this is an extension of God's love, reaching somebody who is really in need through your sharing of the resources. Moreover, for all my lovely congregations, I have received your love with great joy, the only thing is that this gift reminds me to work faithfully to God and continues to love him forever. Thank you very much for accepting to respond to the Divine duty. May God assist you and bless you all. In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit Amen!!!

Rev Eric Kalamba Bondapa
Third year Student
Africa University

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