Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday Morning Road Trip - Evangelical UMC

Cindy Liming, a member of Faith Community, is in the process of visiting all 15 Common Cup churches on Sunday mornings so she can become better acquainted with her fellow Common Cup brothers and sisters in Christ.

I asked Cindy to send me a brief summary of each of her visits as a way of highlighting how Christ is at work in each of our sister churches. Two Sundays ago, she visited Evangelical UMC in Xenia and here is what she experienced:

"This morning, I attended the Sunday morning service at the the Evangelical United Methodist Church on Third Street. I have a couple of friends who attend there and I recognized several people because they come to Common Cup on Wednesdays.

I felt like I was at a family's reunion - the fellowship and closeness amongst the members were so strong and sincere! I felt the power of the Holy Spirit in that place as I sat listening to the beautiful music the choir provided. Pastor Rex greeted everyone as if he had known them all his life (maybe he has) and the children enjoyed and, even better, understood what he told them during his talk with them.

I have had a warm and peaceful feeling all day as I remember my experience from this morning - such nice people in such a pretty church with the sunlight filtering in through the beautiful stained glass windows - offering praises to God through Jesus Christ.

I think the key words for the people of this church are WITH EACH OTHER. They talk with each other, pray with each other, laugh and cry with each other, share with each other, and all their actions are done with God's love. I felt welcomed by their friendship and I hope to visit again."

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