Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For many centuries in several European countries, today (March 25) marked the beginning of a new calendar year. First of all, why would a new year begin in March, and secondly, why would a new year begin before a month is even over?


Today is the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38.) Christians have observed March 25 as the date to celebrate the Annunciation because nine months later, we arrive at December 25, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christians viewed March 25 as the time when the Christian era began since God became incarnate in the womb of Mary on this date.

So what are your new year's resolutions? For some of us, we may need to simply get back to doing what we decided to do this past January 1st. For others of us, today marks an opportunity to make new commitments in our walk with Christ.

Since I just finished reading Scot McKnight's excellent book, "Praying with the Church: Following Jesus Daily, Hourly, Today" which details the importance of praying at fixed times each day, I am determined to be more intentional in my daily prayer life.

Without wasting any time and knowing that Christians all around are praying this prayer today (March 25,) pray with me...
"Pour your grace into our hearts, O Lord; that we who have known the incarnation of your Son Jesus Christ, announced by an angel to the Virgin Mary, may by his cross and passion be brought unto the glory of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever."
Happy New Year!

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