Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thank You Wesleyan Institute Volunteers!

The Wesleyan Institute which we hosted April 23 to 25 has come and gone and thanks to the fifteen churches in our shared Common Cup ministry, including Faith Community, over a hundred people, lay and clergy, from Ohio and surrounding states, were able to learn how to be more effective at making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world the United Methodist way.

Thank you for providing outstanding hospitality for our traveling guests. To all of you who prepared meals, ran the dish washer, traveled to the airport, greeted people in the parking lot, served at the registration table, sold books and resources, assisted in worship, set up the video/screen in the sanctuary, and wore those trendy Common Cup purple polo shirts to assist people during the institute, I want to say, “thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you!”

Thanks for going the second, third, and fourth miles on behalf of our guests.

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