Monday, May 25, 2009

"Angels & Demons" & "Star Trek"

Over the past week, Penny and I were able to see these two movies in the theater. Here's my extremely brief review:
"Angels & Demons"

I give it a B-. It wasn't nearly as good as "The DaVinci Code." Let's not even worry about the gnostic influence in Dan Brown's novels since they are just that, novels. What kept this movie in the B category for me (and not C) was outstanding Italian church footage. The movie went overboard when the Priest parachuted from the sky to safety.

"Star Trek"

I give it a B+. The plot line was easy enough to follow which is important for me since I can easily get lost in sci-fi movies. I'd give it an A- if they wouldn't have crept into silly super hero type of stuff like Kirk dangling from a piece of metal and avoiding the stomping foot of the mean space villain. Do you know how hard that would be???? These movies need to stick to a consistent level of realism at least for the human species.

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