Friday, May 29, 2009

Too Many Books!

I love it when a book order arrives on my doorstep!

My NT Wright book, "Justification: God's Plan & Paul's Vision" and "Jesus, The Final Days: What Really Happened" by Craig Evans and NT Wright came this past week.

The first book is an explanation of the doctrine of justification and a critique of reformed theology's interpretation of this doctrine. Wright argues in this book that the issues which were facing the 16th century protestant reformers led to an overemphasis on an individualistic understanding of this doctrine rather than the Apostle Paul's more wholistic view of the redemption of all of creation which includes the individualistic dimension. In short, the modern western church has inherited this "me and Jesus" theology and we need to get back to Paul's understanding of this doctrine.

The second book is a compilation of lectures given by these two authors as a result of urban myths that are being widely circulated on cyber space regarding Jesus' last days. Rather than approaching this problem from an apologetic/faith perspective, although both authors are also committed Christians, the authors approach it from a historical/contextual view in debunking erroneous and popular misunderstandings of the events of Jesus' last days (the events of his death and resurrection.)

My only problem is before I can begin those books I still need to finish my Bill Hybels' book on leadership and I also started reading a book on the importance of networking with people to accomplish goals.
So, no more ordering from Amazon for me, at least for another month!


  1. LOL! I'm a slow poke, John. Otherwise, my desk wouldn't have any room for my laptop.
