Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2009 West Ohio Annual Conference (June 7-11) - Recommendation #6

Our West Ohio Annual Conference consisting of lay and clergy representing 1,150 United Methodist churches meets June 7 to 11 at the historic and scenic Lakeside grounds, in Lakeside, Ohio, along Lake Erie.

In addition to inspiring worship services, the ordination of Deacons and Elders, the approval of the conference budget, and times for learning and growth, Bishop Bruce Ough will preside over our legislative meetings. This year, we have nine recommendations to consider as an Annual Conference.

Please keep Faith Community's representatives, Joyce Smith, Mary Carol Short, John Sherer, and me in your prayers as we prepare to participate in this year's Annual Conference.

Each day leading up to the beginning of Annual Conference, I am providing a recommendation so we can all begin praying and think about these issues that are before us. You are welcome to make comments on this blog regarding these issues.

2 Resolution on Investigating Companies Supporting the
3 Occupation of Palestinian Territories
6 Whereas we affirm Israel’s right to exist within permanent, recognized and secure
7 borders, and Palestinians’ rights to self-determination and formation of a viable state; and
9 Whereas the Fourth Geneva Convention forbids an occupying power from moving its
10 own people into territory it occupies, and there are currently almost 500,000 Israeli settlers in the
11 occupied Palestinian territories, with thousands of new settler housing units being planned and
12 constructed, making a viable Palestinian state less likely,
14 Whereas Palestinian land is still being confiscated for these settlements and for
15 construction of a separation wall now advancing deep inside the Palestinian territories,
17 Whereas to make room for such illegal settlements Israel has illegally demolished
18 hundreds of Palestinian homes, leaving thousands of Palestinians homeless, destroyed hundreds
19 of acres of olive trees, devastating the Palestinian economy, confiscated thousands of acres of
20 land in the Palestinian territories for Israeli settlements and built hundreds of miles of exclusive
21 settlement access roads, all of which has placed nearly half of the Palestinian Territories under
22 settler use and control;
24 Whereas the above illegal destruction of Palestinian homes and economy, and
25 confiscation of Palestinian land, is made possible by the use of armored bulldozers, helicopter
26 gunships, tanks and other equipment supplied to Israel by multinational corporations that profit
27 from such violent and deadly activities;
29 Whereas, “The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the
30 West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water resources,
31 the destruction of Palestinian homes, the continued building of illegal Jewish settlements, and
32 any vision of a ‘Greater Israel’ that includes the occupied territories and the whole of Jerusalem
33 and its surroundings;” (2008 Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church, Resolution
34 6073: “Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land”).
36 Whereas the United Methodist Church should not profit from the illegal Israeli
37 occupation of Palestinian land or the destruction of Palestinian homes, orchards, and lives,
39 Whereas we are committed to ensuring that our denomination’s money is used in a
40 manner consistent with our beliefs, with international law, and with Christ’s teaching,
42 Whereas we are called to support members of Christ’s church around the world,
43 including Palestinian Christians who are being forced to leave the Holy Land due to Israel’s
44 confiscation of their property and the severe hardships of living under occupation,
1 Whereas the United Methodist Church requires “careful consideration of divestment”
2 from companies that “support violations of human rights;” (2008 Book of Discipline of The
3 United Methodist Church, Paragraph 716: “Socially Responsible Investing”)
5 Whereas the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (GBOPHB) is mandated to
6 screen all their investments according to the Book of Discipline and the Book of Resolutions,
7 and has an active and ecumenical department, the Socially Responsible Investing department, or
8 SRI, to do this work,
10 Whereas many local congregations and all West Ohio Conference investment counselors
11 screen their investments through the SRI department of the General Board of Pension and Health
12 Benefits,
14 Therefore, be it resolved that a task force chosen by the Let Justice Roll lead team and the
15 West Ohio Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits review and research companies
16 that may be contributing to the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and formulate
17 recommendations with regard to possible divestment.
19 Be it further resolved that within six months this task force will meet with the GBOPHB
20 SRI department for purposes of dialogue and to share its own research and recommendations.
22 Be it further resolved that United Methodist congregations and investment managers in
23 the West Ohio conference will be kept informed of the work of the task force and encouraged to
24 examine their portfolios in light of the task force’s final report after meeting with the GBOPHB
25 SRI department.
27 Be it further resolved that the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church
28 calls on the U.S. government, the government of Israel, and the elected Palestinian leadership to
29 reject all acts of aggression and violence, to respect the equality and dignity of all the region’s
30 people, and to forge solutions based on the principles of international law and human rights.
32 Be it further resolved that we affirm the right of all faiths to freedom of movement in the
33 Holy Land, and that we affirm the maintenance of Jerusalem as an open city for people of all
34 faiths in accordance with Resolution 312 of the United Methodist 2004 General Conference
35 Book of Resolutions.
37 Proposed by Rev. John Wagner, Chair, Let Justice Roll lead team
38 Endorsed by:
39 Rev. Brett Kelly, Peace with Justice Coordinator
40 Deacon Elizabeth Rand
41 The Let Justice Roll Lead Team,
42 The Executive Committee of United Methodist Women, West Ohio Conference

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