Thursday, June 11, 2009

Extravagant Generosity - West Ohio Annual Conference

Our West Ohio Annual Conference Love First Miracle Offering goal was $325,000. If I remember correctly, the final number before leaving Lakeside today was approximately $379,000, well above our goal and worthy of "extravagant generosity" status!

Xenia: Faith Community contributed $891 as well as several school kits. The offering will be used to support leadership development efforts in West Ohio and around the world:
  • $75,000 will go to support clergy and lay leadership training in our four mission partnerships in Southeast Asia, the North Katanga Conference in the Congo, the Oriental Conference in Mexico and the Volga District in Russia.
  • $100,000 will go to support West Ohio Conference's Next Generation leadership development efforts.
  • 10,000 school kits for children in the United States and around the world (valued at $150,000).

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