Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Clergy Cluster/Small Group for the Past Eight Years

Here's a picture of my clergy cluster/small group over the past eight years.

This was taken at a restaurant today to celebrate the commissioning of Pastor Sandy Linger Santos (Union UMC & Jamestown UMC) and Peggy Cromer (New Jasper UMC & Bellbrook UMC.) To be commissioned means that they are now "provisional members" with the goal of becoming Elders in two years which means to be a full clergy member of the West Ohio Conference through Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service, and be appointed to serve a church full time and be itinerant (be subject to moving at the discretion of the Bishop.)

We also said farewell to Pastor Tim Holly (Cedarville UMC), Peggy Cromer (New Jasper UMC & Bellbrook), and me (Faith Community UM) as the three of us are concluding our appointments at our respective churches.

Our clergy cluster has served as our small group over these past several years. Here are some of the things we have done as a small group:
  • Met twice a month for the purpose of sharing how we are doing in the areas of our personal discipleship as well as our pastoral responsibilities. Once a month, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion together as a group.
  • Attended overnight retreats for ministry planning and personal spiritual growth.
  • Serve lunches at Dayton: St. Paul's Outreach Center; work on Habitat for Humanity homes together; & served meals for our annual Common Cup basket auction/dinner fundraiser.
  • Participate in the Wednesday Common Cup program by leading some of the growth groups & serving Holy Communion on a rotating basis during the prayer chapel time.

Thank you God, for the gift of having a group such as this over these many years to help me be a better follower of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


  1. As one who had the pleasure of working with this group in April, I can say they are people filled with the Holy Spirit and serve as channels of God's grace for the world.

    As you move on to your new appointments and prepare to welcome new colleagues I'll offer you these words from Charles Wesley:

    Blest be the dear uniting love
    That will not let us part;
    Our bodies may far off remove,
    We still are one in heart.

    Joined in one spirit to our Head,
    Where he appoints we go,
    And still in Jesus' footsteps tread,
    And do his work below.

  2. Steve - Your Wesleyan Institute time with us is already bearing fruit as we become more intentional in our churches with the "United Methodist Way."

    Thanks for your encouraging words.
