Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Friends - Guatemala Mission Trip '09

Our Guatemala mission team ended up meeting several new people during our July 14 - 21 trip. One of the best ways to get to know people who speak a totally different language is by working side by side on a project together.

In the course of digging a trench for the water pipe project, I got to know two young men from the community who will be benefiting from the new well. Their names are Fausto and Gabino (see picture above.)

Since it became obvious to the three of us that I didn't know much Spanish and they knew little English, Gabino pulled out a note pad and asked me the English equivalant for various words. He gave me a copy of that list which I now carry in my wallet to remind me of our new friendship.

I think they were both impressed that as a padre, I could swing a pic axe fairly well!
As a token of our new friendship, I gave them two of our mission trip t-shirts on the last day of our trip.

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