Sunday, July 12, 2009

Xenia: Faith Community UM Welcomes Principal Karen Miller

Today, our church welcomed Principal Karen Miller of Shawnee Elementary School (1st row on left) who came to all three worship services to thank us for partnering with them this past year. The partnership is a two-way street with our church providing tutoring, refreshments for their school events, gifts for the staff, our facility for their graduation program, and school supplies for needy children. Staci Patterson from our church (1st row, far right) coordinates our Shawnee partnership.

The children of Shawnee make crafts for our visitation team to take to members in the hospitals and nursing homes to brighten their day.

In addition to celebrating our partnership with Shawnee, we also commissioned 46 people from our church who will be participating in 3 of our 4 July mission team trips as they serve Jesus in West Virginia, Michigan, and Guatemala.

And last but not least, today was United Methodist Men's Sunday in which Adam Leopard, our summer college intern (back row & far right), Frank Brown, president of United Methodist Men (standing next to Adam), Fred Whitican (2nd from left, back row) and Deacon Rick Tettau participated in the worship services. Not pictured is Mike Leopard who also led in the worship services.

We celebrated the many ways the men of our church are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

My highlight today was serving as one of the ushers at the traditional worship service. I can now take this off my bucket list!

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