Monday, August 17, 2009

God's Faithfulness Throughout Our Lives

This morning, I've been reflecting on how God is faithful throughout our lives.

This past Saturday, I officiated at a wedding for a young couple eager to start their lives together. This Saturday, I will be celebrating at the wedding of a couple who are older and who are looking forward to this new chapter in their lives as they become husband and wife.

Yesterday during worship, it was an honor to baptize three children into the faith and to hear the congregation express their commitment to nurture and care for these families through the life of the church.

And this morning, I will be leading a funeral service for a member of the church who I was able to get to know through my early visits at the hospital here in these first weeks at my new church. This man has left a legacy of always being there for his family whenever they had a need and they are grateful for their dad's love.

Throughout our lives, God is faithful and I am thankful that the church can be there for us during these holy moments.

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