Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Great Advice!

A friend of mine sent this piece of advice to me that was part of the Willow Creek Leadership Summit a couple of weeks ago. These were the closing thoughts from Bill Hybels.

1. Meet with God every day.
2. Read something good 30 minutes a day.
3. Review your replenishment strategy.
4. Decide to say “yes” to God every time the Spirit prompts you to do something.
I guess before I work on #3, I need to have a replenishment strategy! I think I do to some degree, but it's not written down and as intentional as it should be. Also, I'm always saying that I'll read something good each day, but since the transition this summer, I haven't made this a habit again.
Of the four things, I'm probably most disciplined in #1 and there is always room for growth with point #4.

By the way, isn't it cool that my friend took the time to send me and several other people the highlights of this conference to help us in our ministry? I appreciate the collegiality and support through other pastors in our United Methodist connection. We're all on the same team and we need each other.

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