Sunday, September 27, 2009

Humor and the Christian Faith

This evening, Christian comedian, Mike Williams entertained a nice size crowd at the Crossroads facility of Lancaster: First UMC. Mike travels the country sharing his gift of humor and has an incredible ability to help Christians and the church to laugh even if it's about ourselves!

Near the beginning of his performance, he shared that God created humor and there must be a reason why God allowed it as part of God's creation. He believes it's because humor is one of God's ways of helping us to cope with the challenges and valleys we face in life.

Mike's impersonation of Bruce Springsteen, his invention of a much cheaper hands free bluetooth option for cell phones (a rubber band,) and his samples of stupid sayings found on public signs helped us to laugh and remember to not take ourselves too seriously, even those of us who are very committed in our faith and to the work and ministry of the church.

I've often felt that humor, when appropriately used in sermons, bible studies, worship, and conversation can help us connect with God at a deeper level. Maybe it's because effective humor has a way of dismantling even the coldest of hearts which frees us to be open to new possibilities thanks to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

How has humor sustained you through difficult times?

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