Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 209th Birthday, Lancaster, Ohio!

Today (November 10) we celebrate the founding of Lancaster, Ohio. Ebenezer Zane blazed a trail through this area in 1800 and a community was formed.

Yesterday, at my monthly clergy cluster meeting, new hope and possibilities emerged as we started to think about what it would be like for our area United Methodist churches and pastors to intentionally work together in offering the hope and good news of Jesus Christ to our Lancaster community.

The thought of sharing together in ministry while at the same time honoring our unique local church identities led to all sorts of possibilities - reaching the youth of our community, participating in servant/evangelism events (community acts of kindness in the name of Christ), shared pastoral care, as well as many other ideas for strengthening our ministries began to surface.

How appropriate that on the day before our community's 209th birthday, the possibilities for new beginnings and new ministries emerged from our clergy meeting.

Happy birthday, Lancaster!

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