Friday, November 6, 2009

Health Care Bill & West Ohio Conference UMC Response


Our United Methodist Social Principles state clearly that health care is a basic human right and joins Ezekiel in affirming the duty of government to assure health care for all(Social Principle paragraph 162V). Recently, our General Board of Church and Society has taken a position to support HR 3962, a new bill to reform health care in the United States.

HR 3962 provides the following key points:

1. Creation of "Insurance Exchange" coverage people can purchase through the government. The rates have been negotiated with hospital systems so that the interests of various parties are represented: the public, health care providers, insurance providers, and the government.

Over the past 32 years, General Conference has consistently advocated for a single payer option which would cover every American. The Insurance Exchange (or Negotiated Rates Public Option) is a compromise to the United Methodist position. This means that the rate to purchase it will depend on where a person lives. In some instances, it will cost more than the purchase of private insurance. In other places, it will cost less.

2. This bill would eliminate the practice of denying insurance to you based on pre-existing conditions.

3. If your income is below 150% of the federal poverty level, you will become eligible for Medicaid. If your income is between 150-400% of the poverty level, you can purchase subsidized insurance through the exchange.

4. HR 3962 will also allow parents to cover their dependent children through age 27.

In summary, HR 3962 will make health coverage accessible to more people and provide health care for more people.

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