Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dave's Deep Thoughts

Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.

To everything, there is a season,
and a time for everything under heaven.

I just didn't expect everything with my Lo Mein......

During a recent lunch with a good buddy,
we were catching up with one another,
sharing stories and a few jokes.
A good break from a hard day's work.

I treasure those moments.
They are moments to rejuvenate,
moments to enjoys the simplest
and greatest gifts of life....

food, conversations, friendship

It was somewhere after the Lo Mein
but before the fortune cookie,
when a group of four elderly people passed by our table.

They knew my friend,
and so they all exchanged brief pleasantries
with him as they passed by...

Well, at least the first three did.

The forth stopped and said hello,
and then preceded to say,
I sure hope your church doesn't........

I am not going to finish the sentence.
That's not the point.

Suffice to say, it was about a subject
that some within the church,
would deem controversial.

Let's just substitute the controversial subject
with....oh let's say mud wrestling.

His comment regarding mud wrestling
caught me mid-crunch with my egg roll.

My friend is a leader in his church fellowship.
He is also a man of tact.
He responded in a kind way thus hoping to end the conversation.

But the elderly man persisted.

A nice lunch out was quickly headed towards a theological sparring round.

Care for a little abortion talk with your General Tso chicken?
How about a little legalized gambling chat with your chow mein?

It was obvious that the man
was a commited Christian,
perhaps a leader in his own church.

And he also had a difference of opinion with my friend,
and he was determined to make sure
his opinion was not only heard,
but given the last word.

He began to quote scripture about mud wrestling
He wanted it known,
that his interpretation of the Word
was the correct one.

Five minutes passed.
I put my egg roll down
and began to excuse myself from the table.

The man seemed startled as he realized
how he had had invaded our luncheon.

Oh I am sorry, he said.
I didn't mean to interrupt
but I just had to get this off my chest about mud wrestling

By this time, I had something on my chest.
SIr, I said.
I happen to be a pastor,
and I appreciate that you have an opinion about mud wrestling.
My experience with mud wrestling though is different.

Oh it's not my opinion,
it's God Word, he said
Read (fill in a scripture) about mud wrestling

I know the Scripture well, Sir, I responded,
but I also know (fill in another Scripture)
which offers a different opinion regarding mud wrestling.

The discussion escalated.
So did my blood pressure.
Somebody won,
but it wasn't the elderly man, my friend, or me.
It was the one who loves to see the church
up in arms within itself.
It is the one who will do anything
to distract us from our mission
of spreading the Good News.

The discussion continued out to the parking lot.
As I got into my vehicle,
I felt angry.
Lunch had become a launch for division.

Why do we do that, I thought.
Why do brothers and sisters in the faith
so easily attack one another?

Why do we insist that we have a corner on the Truth?

Don't misunderstand..
we all need to be in agreement on the core principles of the faith.
That's why creeds were written down through the ages....

to state what unifies us

I just don't believe the issue of mud wrestling
is going to be on the final exam.

The disciples and early church were very much
like this elderly man and myself.

Now I exhort you brothers and sisters,
by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that you all agree,
and there be no divisions among you,
but you be made complete in the same mind
and in the same judgment.
I Corinthians 1:10

We quickly allowed our spiritual egos to get in the way.........
get in the way of fellowship,
get in the way of unity,
get in the way of a good lunch,
and that
displeases God.

Are there times to discuss controversial subjects?


just not over Lo Mein.

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