Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What It Means to Be a Christian

The Anglican Church (Church of England) offers this brief summary of what it means to be a Christian. This is a simple yet profound way to share our faith with others.

As we go through this Season of Advent, I invite us to reflect on this summary of our faith as we await the birth of the Christ Child and anticipate his second coming when God's kingdom of peace and justice will be established for ever.

What it means to be a Christian

Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and in common with other Christians in the church seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught.

For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

…Father… God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God's beloved child.

…Son… God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus' life, death and resurrection holds the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.

…and Holy Spirit… God is alive, loving and active today, inspiring faith, justice and truth, sustaining the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.

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