Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Why of Christmas Presents

Yesterday, a staff member told me about how exciting it was to see the many Christmas gifts that have been donated to be given to those who can use a little extra help this Christmas. Whether we buy Christmas gifts for a family member, a friend, or for people in need, the "why" of buying Christmas presents is an interesting question.

My wife, Penny has already told me, "We don't really need to buy anything for each other this Christmas, so let's just keep it simple this year." Fair enough, but c'mon. If I see something that I think she might like, I'm going to buy it. There's just something inside us that wants to give to others.

In the mail yesterday, I received the annual report from York College of Pennsylvania where I graduated in '85. This report is always very well done on glossy paper, with lots of pictures, inspiring stories, and of course, the names of people who have given financially to the college this past year.

Throughout these pages, small boxes appeared which included brief quotes by donors as to why they gave a gift to the college. Here are just a few:

"I give to York College in the hope that other students will have the chance to have their needs met, and their opportunities realized."

"...the staff in the Education Department prepared me to be an excellent elementary school teacher!"

"I want to make sure that other students have the same opportunities that were available to me."

"I give to YCP because I believe in giving back..."

Here's one from one of my History professors: "York College offered us, as members of the faculty, the opportunity to grow professionally, intellectually, and personally. We hope that our gifts will enable others to experience opportunities as fulfilling as those we have enjoyed at YCP."

From these quotes, I notice that the "why" in giving gifts to the college is because these persons have received something from the college that has made an important difference in their lives and they want to give back.

The next time you get an impulse to buy a Christmas gift for someone, think about why you want to buy that gift. As we approach the coming celebration of Christmas, hopefully the biggest reason we want to offer our gifts has something to do with this...

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.'" - Luke 2:10-11

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