Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Here are some of the questions/insights from today's group:

Isaiah 55:6-13

• Timeline of 2nd Isaiah – Called by God to be a prophet to the southern kingdom.
First Isaiah (Chs. 1-39) – Pre Babylonian exile
Second Isaiah (40-55) – During Judah’s Time in Exile
Third Isaiah (56-66) – After Return of Exile & Rebuilding of Jerusalem
• Concluding Speech by the Lord to those about to return from exile. Their covenant with God will be renewed. John Wesley saw this passage as filled with God’s surprising grace able and willing to forgive all sinners.
• The return from exile will be marked by joy and peace – v. 12
• Verse – 12a – Notice that creation itself will offer worship and praise as well.
• Sermon Theme – Verse 13a (Garden imagery)
• Isaiah 55 passage offers a tremendous word of hope to people in exile.

John 20:1-18

• John’s Gospel is like a retelling of the creation story in the book of Genesis.
• Easter scene takes place on 1st day of the new week – Sunday (Jewish week.)
• Mary Magdalene – Comes to tomb while it’s still dark. Nicodemus came to see Jesus went it was dark.
• Mary tells the disciples about the empty tomb. Peter & beloved disciple go to the tomb. What did they think about why the tomb was empty?
• Two burials in ancient world for Judaism – Body in tomb and bones buried in an ossuary about a year later.
• The resurrected Lord greets Mary.
• In what ways do we encounter the risen Christ today?

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