Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bible Study Summary

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Here are some of the questions/insights from the two groups:

Matthew 21:1-11
• Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (Riding on a donkey – Zech 9:9)
• Most people wouldn’t have own a 2nd cloak.
• This story reminds us of one of Israel’s greatest king made king in defiance of the existing one (II Kings 9:13)
• This story reminds us of the Maccabean revolt 200 years earlier. The famous Jacob Maccabeus arrived in Jerusalem after conquering the pagan armies. He was welcomed to Jerusalem with the waving of palm branches. He was beginning of a new royal dynasty lasting 100 years. Herod and the chief priests had intermarried with the Maccabean family giving them royal status as well.
• Jerusalem was established by King David 1,000 yrs. earlier. To be called “Son of David” had royal implications.
• This would be a different enthronement – Lifted on a cross

Isaiah 50:4-9a
• The 3rd Servant Song of four. (42:1-4: 49:1-7; 50:4-11; & 52:13-53:12) All four used as messianic texts applied to Jesus Christ as the servant who suffers for the sake of others. Isaiah 49:3 associates suffering servant with Israel.
• This 3rd song serves as a blueprint for discipleship: (combining learning with action)
1) Authority – vv. 4-5 (Found in God’s calling.)
2) Commissioning – v. 4 For the purpose of discipleship (He is a pupil)
3) Training – vv. 5-6 Accepts suffering.
4) Sharing of what he has learned as a disciple – vv. 7-9a

Luke 23:26-49
• Jesus would die on the cross and he wanted to protect his disciples to be able to carry forth Jesus’ mission for the sake of the world.
• Jewish expectation was for Israel to go through a period of darkness before they would emerge in God’s new world.
• Sweating drops of blood – Remember that Luke is a physician. This actually can happen.
• Throughout Jesus’ suffering, the disciples don’t understand all of this. They thought he would be a revolutionary king.


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