Friday, March 5, 2010

Wesley, The Movie

OK, all of you John Wesley fan club members! The movie, "Wesley," is being released and is being shown in various theaters around the country, but not in the Ohio area as far as I can tell. By going to the movie website, it appears that it might have the same quality as "Amazing Grace," the true story of William Wilberforce which premiered a few years ago.

With more United Methodist churches than post offices, I can see a bunch of DVDs of this movie being sold for use in new member classes, confirmation classes, and classes interested learning about the history of the Methodist movement.

If you read Wesley's journel entries, it's easy to see how there would be plenty of action tense moments for a full length movie.

When I read about this new movie on Wesley, I felt my heart strangely warmed.


  1. I'm not sure about the quality. It looks like pretty low production values to me.

    Mark Topping - who has a couple videos on YouTube - has a nice DVD that includes some Wesley sermons and a short biographical sketch as well.

  2. John - Thanks for the website. You're probably right about the quality of the movie, but it just goes to show how desperate I am for any updated movie on Wesley, even if it's not up to par.
