Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Here are some of the questions/insights from the two groups:

II Timothy 3:10-17

• II Timothy is considered “Paul’s last will and testament” for Timothy. Paul encourages a timid yet gifted pastor to live out his calling. I Timothy defines a faithful congregation. II Timothy defines a faithful pastor.
• The bible is a complex book and can be frustrating to read. But we also see how it can bring new life. Reason it brings life is that it is inspired or “God-breathed.” See v. 16. Translated as “inspired” because of a Latin word.
• Three problems with using the word “inspired” with today’s meaning: 1) Many things can “inspire” us like a good play or movie. This word has a much deeper meaning! 2) Inspired might lead us to believe that the biblical authors were merely dictating machines of conveying God’s words. 3) Inspired denotes a particular theological understanding of the Christian faith.
• V. 15 – scripture can make us wise and have us think differently as it helps us to know through stories, poetry, proverbs, symbolism, and history, that through God’s rescuing love for the world in the person of Jesus Christ, we are part of God’s salvation story.
• V. 16 shows us how this is done. Teaching, rebuking, training, and transforming.
• V. 17 the goal of all of this is to help us be fully human in living out our true identity in Jesus Christ, reflecting God’s image.

Luke 24:13-27

• One of my favorite passages of scripture because it combines a retelling of the scriptural story and concludes with a reference to the Sacrament of Holy Communion combining Word & Sacrament.
• Has been used by people who are going through a difficult time.
• Who is the couple on the road? Cleopas and his companion. Maybe referring to John 19:25 and the married couple, Mary and Clopas. Couples have used this story to help them through marital difficulties.
• The stranger might have caused fear with the couple since the authorities might be looking for Jesus’ disciples.
• The couple is down because they believe that Jesus’ ministry had failed because of his death on the cross.
• The stranger (Jesus) tells the story of the Old Testament to the couple to help them see that in order to rescue Israel from their suffering, God would have to suffer on their behalf.
• Why didn’t the couple recognize that the stranger was Jesus? Jesus’ resurrected body. But also because they didn’t understand the full story of where the scriptures were pointing and how Jesus fit into that story.
• This passages reminds us that in order to study and understand the scriptures, we need Jesus by our side. Only then will our hearts burn within us (v. 32.)

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