Monday, April 5, 2010

An Easter Message from Bishop Bruce Ough, West Ohio Conference

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

In the name and spirit of the Risen Christ, and on behalf of the West Ohio Conference, I greet you in this glorious Easter season.

Easter defines Christianity. Paul writes clearly and boldly to the church in Corinth: "And if Christ wasn't raised, then all you are doing is wandering around in the dark, as lost as ever." (I Corinthians 15:17, The Message) If Christ is not risen, then our faith is worthless. But since Christ is risen, our world is redefined. The empty tomb is the geographic center of creation. The risen Christ is the focal point of history. The dark night is over. We are an Easter People!

Every Christian and every church should approach Easter and the entire Easter season as a sustained, explosive carnival of hope and joy. The author Frederica Mathewes-Green once received this letter from a Jewish friend at Christmas:
The big celebration in Christianity should be Easter. No Easter, no Christianity. So all the focus on Christmas, at least to me, seems misdirected. Why Christians don't whoop it up more at Easter is a mystery to me now. How inspirational! How joyful! That is the time to toast each other, lay on gifts, attend worship services, pack in the rich food. Something really substantial and holy to remember.
(from Easter Changes Everything)
Dear West Ohio United Methodists, let the carnival of hope and joy begin. Celebrate Easter. Celebrate boldly, and loudly, and passionately. The resurrection of Christ is everything. Without it, humanity is lost forever, death wins, darkness prevails, and we are without hope.

And so I pray:

God of power and majesty, you have raised Jesus Christ and delivered him and us from death's destruction. Throughout this Easter season, continue to:
Threaten your people with resurrection,
Awaken them to new possibilities,
Kindle in them the fire of your love,
Grant them victories over sin and evil in their lives,
Open to them the gate of everlasting life,
Beckon them to proclaim the marvelous mystery of death and resurrection,
Renew their hope and joy, and
Claim them as your Easter People.
For all praise is yours, now and throughout eternity. Amen.

Bishop Bruce Ough
West Ohio Conference
Easter 2010

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