Sunday, April 11, 2010

Post Sermon Reflections - Pictures of God

After the middle worship service this morning, a little girl showed me a picture she drew of God on the back of an offering envelope. Above is the picture which I scanned to my computer.

She had listened to a story I shared about a little boy who was drawing a picture during class. The teacher asked him what he was drawing and he said, "I'm drawing a picture of God." The teacher said, "But we don't know what God looks like." And the little boy responded, "They will when I get done with this picture!"

First of all, I'm glad that this very young girl was listening to the sermon. And even more importantly, I like it that she saw beyond the patriarchal stereotype of God and showed God as a female. Not that God is male or female, but I think we too often have a limited picture of God in our minds.

I'm not so sure what the image is to the one side of this picture of God, but if you have any thoughts, let me know. If you would draw a picture of God, what would your picture of God look like?

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