Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bible Study Summary

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Here are some of the questions/insights from the two groups:

Acts 16:9-15
• Paul’s ministry in Phillipi, a Roman colony.
• Notice Paul’s approach to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. He doesn’t just walk on main street preaching about Jesus. The authorities would stop you. Paul needed a base of operations which was often, the local synagogue.
• There was no synagogue in Phillipi, so Paul went to an informal Jewish prayer gathering by the river. Probably this consisted of Jewish women with Greek husbands. Lydia, in this story isn’t even Jewish, she is a God-fearer, meaning a Gentile who sought to follow Judaism.
• Lydia was a businesswoman, working with purple cloth which would have meant she was dealing at the top end of the market!
• Lydia’s conversion – Lord helped her to pay attention to what Paul was saying. She had already been praying so she was open. She and her household were baptized. Paul and his companions stay at her home and this allowed them to have a base for their ministry. To host this many people, meant that she was wealthy.

1. What are our base of operations to help us in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ? Is a church building all we need? Think of creative places that Christians can have a base of operations in sharing the good news of Christ.
2. Lydia’s household was baptized. What does this say about the members of her family who were baptized? Did they have a say in the decision? Do you think they welcomed it?

John 14:23-29
• Jesus is preparing his disciples for when he would be leaving them. He promises them that the Holy Spirit will come to them, reminding them of what he has taught them.
• If the disciples stay focused on Jesus, they will experience God’s peace, a peace which the world cannot offer. This peace assures them of Jesus’ presence and assures them that Jesus will be with the Father.

1. How does the Holy Spirit help you to remember the things that Jesus taught and did?
2. This passage speaks of the importance of the Holy Spirit. Do you think we emphasize the Holy Spirit in our faith? Why or why not?
3. This passage is often used at funerals because it focuses on the peace that Jesus wants to give to us in times of heartache and need. When have you felt God’s peace during a troubling time?


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