Friday, May 14, 2010

Post Bible Study Reflections

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.

Genesis 25:24-34
• The great Partriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
• Jacob is born just after twin brother, Esau
• Verse 23 – “The elder shall serve the younger” is a common theme in the Old Testament. Examples: I Chronicles 5:1-2; Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon.
• Name, “Jacob,” is a word play (one who supplants)
• Esau is an outdoorsman & Jacob is a tent dweller
• Jacob tricks Esau for his birthright. What’s at stake? See Deut. 21:15-17

1. Verse 30 – What do you think the “red stuff stew” tasted like?
2. The Old Testament points out how the preferential treatment of one child over another by parents can have negative consequences. What does this say about family relationships today?
3. Is the bible trying to say something to us by having so many examples of role reversals – the elder ending up serving the younger?
4. Think about the rest of the Jacob/Esau story. Jacob also steals the blessing from Esau while Abraham is on his death bed. Jacob flees from Esau. Jacob gets swindled by his uncle Laban. Esau and Jacob eventually get reconciled. What does this story tell us about the possibilities of forgiveness and reconciliation?
5. Who made the biggest mistake in the story? Jacob for taking advantage of his brother’s hunger or Esau for allowing himself to be in a position of being desperate for food?
6. The larger story over this story of Jacob & Esau, is the covenant that God made with Abraham for Abraham’s family to be the means by which God would bring salvation to the world. God seems to take a great risk to entrust salvation with people who would end up cheating each other. What does this say about who God is and who we are?

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