Sunday, May 30, 2010

Post May 30th Sermon Thoughts

Following today's sermon on "The Language of Faith" and how our religious and "churchy" language can sometimes become a barrier when we share our life of faith with the unchurched, think of some other church words we use on a regular basis. The list really adds up!

"Churchy Words from Today's Sermon"

1. Narthex - The space when you enter the front entrance of the church.
2. Sacristy - Room where altar supplies are stored.
3. Nave - The seating area of the worship space.
4. Cherub - Could refer to an angel or to the name of a children's choir.
5. Liturgist - Person who assists in a worship service.
6. Hymnal - Book of church worship songs and prayers.
7. Altar - Table located in front of the worship space
8. Acolyte - Person who lights the candles on the altar.
9. Trinity - A doctrine that says God is one but known in three persons (Father, Son, Spirit.)

Other "Churchy" Words
10. Partake - This comes from my brother who says we say this a lot for Holy Communion.
11. Bulletin - Program of the worship service.
12. Traditional/Contemporary - In referring to worship styles
13. Circle - As in United Methodist Women's Circle meetings which are prayer/study groups.
14. Chancel - Area surrounding the altar
15. Vestibule - An entrance area in the church.
16. Nicene & Apostles' Creed
17. Catholic - meaning "universal" as in "Holy Catholic Church" of Apostles' Creed.
18. Episcopal - Church governing system that has a Bishop assigned for a number of churches
19. "Extend the right hand of fellowship" - Phrase for "greet your neighbor."
20. "The Word" - Phrase referring to the Bible. Also can refer to Jesus Christ.
21. Sermon - Message given by the Pastor during worship.
22. Potluck - Church meals where people bring a dish to share.
23. Baptism - Water used on person signifying intiation into the congregation.

OK, I can go on and on. What churchy words/phrases come to your mind?

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