Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More West Ohio Annual Conference Highlights (June 6 to 10)

Bishop Raul Garcia de Ochoa (Oriental of the Methodist Church of Mexico)
Macedonian Call and Macedonian Response
Act 16:6-10 - Calling for Paul to go to Macedonia. A cry for help. We need you! Ministry is a calling. Sometimes the Holy Spirit has other plans. Ministry is not our way! We will struggle. Christian life is not about my way.
Paul appeals to generosity. Macedonians go beyond their ability. "Lord, do you really want me to go to Cancun?"

What does it mean to give out of out poverty?
Even God became poor in order to give. Are we willing to offer to God a Macedonian response? We are not poorer than the Macedonians.

Board of Ordination
Ordinations this Year
1 Deacon
20 Elders

Clergy Retirements - 32

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