Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship services.

Below are the notes from this week's bible study:

Rock Music Sermon/Worship Sunday Reflections (Sept. 26)
- Counter Cultural like the biblical prophets – Bono & U2
- Helps to release our anger and frustrations in appropriate ways. (See many of the Psalms)

This Week – Jazz Music
- How does Jazz music keep us in concert with God?

Scripture – Ephesians 2:1-10
- Read together.
- Key verse for the sermon is verse 10 – “…created in Christ Jesus for good works…”
- Context of Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians
1. Three of the earliest manuscripts from 3rd & 4th centuries don’t mention “in Ephesus.” This letter was probably written by Paul to the churches in the surrounding region of Ephesus. As copies of letter were made, the word “Ephesus” was left out because it was probably assumed. Paul was in prison when he wrote this. The other letters he wrote while in prison are Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon.
2. Ephesians is the only letter that was meant for circulation by Paul.
- First 3 verses – Show how human beings left to ourselves, often get life wrong. A naturally angry person may think that it’s OK to be angry and rude all of the time since that comes naturally.
- Verses 4-7 - How can we go the right direction? Jesus and his resurrection life!
- Verses 8-9 – People often don’t realize how wonderful God’s grace is because they don’t realize that they are going the wrong way in life (verses 1-3.) Paul talks about being “saved by grace.” Salvation means being rescued from our old way of living.
- Verse 10 – “Good Works” is not contradictory to being “saved by grace.” Paul says that we are God’s workmanship. We are meant to be fully human in the way that we were created to be. Our good works are to be a reflection of our new life in Christ.
- What happens when we live our lives without an awareness that salvation is only possible because of God’s grace? Read Luke 7:36-50.
- How aware are we of our need for God’s grace? And how can this awareness and appreciation lead to a life of “good works?”

Jazz Music
- What are some connections between jazz music and how God calls us to live our lives through his grace?

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