Saturday, October 23, 2010

Learning to Witness Like "Grandma"

She was cleaning up the leftover trash from the students who had just left the school cafeteria. And as she was spraying the tables and wiping them down she said to me, "Pastor, I'm a Christian. And I know that I'm not supposed to force my faith on any of these students. That's why I simply try to sow some seeds of my faith here and there with these kids. They call me 'grandma' around here because of my age and I think they feel that they can talk to me if they're having a problem."

"God bless you," I said as I was leaving the cafeteria. And as I drove home from the school, I thanked God for the people he places throughout our schools and community who "simply try to sow seeds of their faith here and there with others."

As our church focuses on the fifth mark of a Christian this week, "witness," it's an opportunity for us to think about and pray about how we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us on a daily basis.

"Lord, help me to be more like 'grandma' who makes witnessing seem so natural and simple. Amen."

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