Friday, January 7, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

New Sermon Series this Sunday – “It’s Not too Late!”
Four Areas of Focus of the UMC

This Sunday – Jan. 9
Isaiah 58
- Represents a post-exilic period (early 500s BC)
- Condemns hypocrisy in worship and faith. How do we guard against hypocrisy?
- Verse 2 – “righteousness.” How do we define this word?
Justice and mercy and fairness for all people.
- Sometimes our religious practices do not line up with
living out our faith by caring for others.
- Purpose of “means of grace” is to love God and love others more fully.
- John Wesley references this chapter of Isaiah several times.

Matthew 3 (Jesus’ Baptism) This Sunday is “Baptism of the Lord” Sunday
- Matthew uses the word, “righteousness” here in Jesus’ baptism. This helps to
answer the question about why Jesus needed to be baptized. Baptism is more than
a symbol of cleansing of sin. It is about participating in righteous living that is concerned for the poor and the needy.
- Verse 17 – God speaks, “This is my son.”
- Jesus will demonstrate what it means to be fully human and live the way God intends
for his people to live.
- What does baptism mean for us today?
1) It means to live in righteousness (see above.)
2) It means to live as the people God created us to be.
3) It’s the entry point into the family of God. The initiation rite.
4) It’s a sign of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
5) It’s meant to be renewed every day and at different occasions.


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