Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bahamas Mission Trip - Day #1 (Sunday, January 30)

Here are the highlights from each day of our Lancaster, Ohio First United Methodist Church Bahamas mission trip to the island of Eleuthera January 30 - February 5, 2011. We partnered with the Bahamas Methodist Habitat mission outreach ministry during the week.
(Day #1) Sunday, January 30
We left a wintry mix day in Ohio at 3 A.M. to drive to Columbus to make our 5:30 A.M. flight to the Bahamas. Landed in Nassau and spent a couple of hours in the bright mid 70's sun. Took a short plane ride to the island of Eleuthera where we met our mission host team.

From northern part of island where we landed, they drove us about an hour to our mission camp site. Along the way, we stopped at Glass Window Bridge, the most narrow land mass in the world with the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Caribbean Sea to the west. What a beautiful view!

After dinner which included their famous Conch(pronounced "conk") shell fish, we were told about our mission for the week - to help rebuild a house that had been destroyed by a fire for a seven member family.

1 comment:

  1. I am assuming that you are home safe and sound since you have posted information about Day 1 of your mission trip. I have been thinking about you and praying for you along with worrying about you all week. I am anxious to hear about the rest of of your trip.
