Friday, February 11, 2011

Bahamas Mission Trip - Day #6 (Friday, February 4)

Here are the highlights from each day of our Lancaster, Ohio First United Methodist Church Bahamas mission trip to the island of Eleuthera January 30 - February 5, 2011. We partnered with the Bahamas Methodist Habitat mission outreach ministry during the week.

We did some sight-seeing. Went to Preacher's Cave where Puritans shipwrecked on northern part of island and named the island after the Greek word for freedom. The cave had a natural pulpit where I offered devotions for the group. We spent some time at a nearby beach.

From there, we drove to center of island and visited Governor's Harbor. The highlight of the trip was when we visited the two homes that our group worked on last year. The ladies of the two homes were so appreciative that we stopped by. It was a tearful moment as I watched this reunion. I was so proud of our church to know what a difference last year's team made in the lives of these two older women.

We joined another group visiting from Florida. They were there to prepare for their churches to send mission teams later in the year. It's amazing how people who have never met can be make instant friendships through our faith in Jesus Christ.

In the afternoon, we saw where the movie, "Why Did We Get Married To" with Tyler Perry was made at Club Med beach. We got to see where singer Lenny Kravitz lives. Evidently, actor Robert De Niro who likes to vacation here was nowhere in sight. :)
The beach was beautiful. We spent a couple of hours swimming, snorkeling, and walking the beach. All of the beaches were beautiful but this one was the best.
Here's one of the beaches we got to enjoy following our work week.

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