Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Sunday's Upcoming Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship services.

Sermon – Sunday, February 20 “Toy Story 3”

Genesis 2:4-9
- Version #2 of the creation story. It emphasizes the intimate relationship between the Lord and creation itself, especially with humans.
- 1st creation account presents humanity as the climactic event of the six-day creation period, this account focuses on humanity as the centerpiece of the beautiful garden.
- Verse 7 – The Lord is a potter in fashioning humans.
- This story of creation which includes the garden and the tree of life resurfaces in the Book of Revelation when God will one day bring heaven and earth together and the garden will be renewed and restored.
- What does this story teach us about God and about who we are?

Matthew 6:25-34
- This passages leads us to ask the question, “was Jesus happy?” We tend to focus on how Jesus was a man of sorrows but sometimes we miss out on noticing how he also was filled with happiness.
- Jesus points to plants and birds to show that it really doesn’t require a lot of effort to be happy. They seem to have happiness without much thought or effort.
- God’s creation is beautiful (refer back to the creation story in the Book of Genesis.)
- The Bahamas mission trip reminded me of God’s beauty with the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. My friend’s mission trip to Haiti reminded him that Haitians are very happy people and yet they live in one of the poorest countries in the world!
- The key to happiness – remember that God created the world and called it good and loves us and made us uniquely so that we can have a relationship with God. Jesus was able to live in the present moment and not be anxious about the future.
- What does it mean to not worry about what we eat or wear? It doesn’t mean that we should simply go without and live minimally but it does mean to enjoy God’s creation and to be good stewards of God’s creation sharing what we have with others.
- Jesus’ teachings at the Sermon on the Mount invite us to experience the happiness that Jesus had in his life and ministry.
- In what ways can this scripture make a difference in our personal lives and in the life of our church?

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