Friday, March 4, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship services.

Sermon (March 6) – An App for That: Finding Our Way Again
Transfiguration Sunday

Exodus 24:12-18
Book of Exodus – Tells the story of God’s rescue of Israel from slavery in Egypt and the covenant God made with them through Moses on Mt. Sinai.
- Transfiguration of Jesus connection: Both Jesus and Moses ascended a mountain. Mountains are key places for significant times of spiritual transformation.
- Verse 12 refers to the tablets of stone (the Ten Commandments.) This is another parallel with Jesus who offered the beatitudes on the Sermon on the Mount.
- Verse 18 refers to Moses on the mountain with God for forty days/nights. The number “40” is a significant number in the bible. Think Noah (40 days/nights of flood), Israel (40 years in wilderness), Elijah (40 days walk to the mountain), Jesus (40 days in the wilderness before his public ministry), and the church (40 days with Jesus between his resurrection and his ascension.)
- How intentional are we in setting aside time to be with God?

Matthew 17:1-9
- Transfiguration of Jesus Sunday.
- Did this happen on Mt. Tabor (central Galilee) or Mt. Hermon (Caesarea Philippi)? Mt. Tabor is the traditional site because it is more accessible to pilgrims who visit!
- Matthew, Mark, & Luke include the transfiguration story.
- Matthew’s gospel is always seeking parallels between Jesus and Moses. This story reminds us of Moses on mountain for 40 days with God.
- The main point of the transfiguration story isn’t to show Jesus’ divinity because all 3 persons were “shining.” The point is to look ahead to when Jesus will be lifted up on a cross on a hill at his crucifixion. 1) Clothes shining/Clothes stripped 2) With Moses/Elijah & with Two Criminals 3) Bright Cloud/Darkness 4) God speaks & Soldier speaks 5) Mountain Top & Hill Top

1) How does the unity of the bible make a difference in our reading of the bible?
2) One of the core values of the church is to be involved in intentional faith development. Lent is a time to really focus on our faith in a significant way. How are you involved in intentional faith development?
3) For Lent, we will be focusing on the 6 spiritual disciplines of fasting, Sabbath, prayer, Holy Communion, Christian Calendar, & pilgrimage.

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