Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Gospel of Matthew for Lent

During the season of Lent, the 40 day period leading up to Easter Sunday, "The Big Read" led by New Testament scholar, Dr. Tom Wright offers weekly videos to walk us through the Gospel of Matthew. These videos are under ten minutes in length and offer very solid biblical scholarship to help us understand Matthew's particular understanding of who Jesus is.

As a resource during this season of Lent, I invite us to take just ten minutes out of our schedules each week to watch the video and allow this to be a vital resource during our Lenten journey. The reason the focus of these videos is on Matthew's gospel is because Matthew is the primary gospel used in worship for this liturgical year.

I invite comments, thoughts, discussions, questions throughout this lenten cyber study. A link to these videos will also be posted each week on the facebook page of First United Methodist Church, Lancaster, Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good! Thanks for posting this. I am already excited about hearing next week's video. This will help all of us to have a better understanding of Matthew's understanding of who Jesus is. I think that I will go now and the book of Matthew from beginning to end as Dr Wright suggested. This is exciting stuff!
