Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Sunday's Upcoming Scriptures

Here at Lancaster First UMC, I am privileged to be part of two weekly bible study groups that study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday worship services.

Sunday Sermon (April 17) – “An App for That: Pilgrimage

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
- This is a lectionary reading with Palm Sunday references. (Verses 26-27)
- Verse 25 “Save Us” is translated as “hosanna” in the New Testament.
- This is a Psalm that pilgrims to Jerusalem would have sung in celebration that God will one day set up his kingdom on earth. It is known as a Psalm of Ascent.
- A person who comes to the Temple to give thanks for deliverance.
- Verses 10-14 – Could this person be a king?
- Verse 22 – View by New Testament writers as a messianic reference.

Luke 19:28-40
- Pilgrims would travel to Jerusalem for Passover and climb up the gradual mountain which leads up to the city and the Temple.
- Luke’s main theme is Jesus’ pilgrimage from Galilee to Jerusalem. This is the climax of the story in terms of Jesus reaching his destination. The question for us is, “What’s going to happen now that he has arrived?
- Jesus rides on a young donkey to fulfill Zech. 9:9, a messianic text.
- The disciples catching on to what Jesus is doing, spread their cloaks to help emphasize this messianic expectation. The crowds pick up on this theme and sing Psalm 118, a pilgrim song.
- Where are we on this story? Are we celebrating Jesus arriving as King? How will we feel when this parade ends in a cross? Are we prepared to be a people who join Jesus in combining the pilgrimage of celebration with the pilgrimage of the cross?

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