Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pastoral Prayer @ Lancaster First UMC - Sunday, June 12 (Pentecost)

God of fire, new life, and transformation, send your Holy Spirit upon your church yet again.  Kindle within us a desire to serve you and to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in our community and throughout the world.  Through your Holy Spirit, you have given each of us spiritual gifts to be a blessing through your church.  Help us to offer our gifts in humility and in love.

Thank you for this day on our church calendar when we celebrate Pentecost and the gift of your Holy Spirit.  We long for renewal and to be a people of transformation.  Remind us on this day that all things are possible thanks to the gift of your Holy Spirit working in and through us.  Whenever we become discouraged, keep us mindful that we are not alone.  You are with us, guiding and empowering us along each step of our walk with you.

All around us are signs of your kingdom.  As we see the color, red prominent in our sanctuary reminding us of the fire of the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost Sunday, we think of yesterday’s Second Saturday outreach and the many people we were able to help in our community.

Thank you for the signs of renewal.

We think of a wedding that was held here yesterday in which two people made a covenant to one another and to you.

Thank you for signs of renewal.

We think of the baptism in our church today of a young lady who has been attending our church and who wants to grow in her relationship with Jesus Christ and receive support from our church family.

Thank you for signs of renewal.

We think of how your church has provided money, resources, and volunteers to help with the clean-up efforts of the many places that were  hit by tornadoes this Spring, providing hope and support to people who have lost their homes and who have experienced the loss of loved ones.

Thank you for signs of renewal.

We think of small groups, bible studies, and Sunday School classes through our church who meet on a regular basis to provide encouragement and new understandings of our faith.

Thank you for signs of renewal.

We think of these summer Sundays of worship in which we will be studying the Psalms, the Book of Romans, and the Book of Genesis, to help us grow in our faith.

Thank you for signs of renewal.  As your people who have been gifted with the Holy Spirit, teach us to pray the words you taught your disciples and now teach to us, “Our Father…”

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