Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Sermon – “Transformed Living: Priming the Pump”
Scriptures – Numbers 20:1-11 & John 4:1-14

Numbers 20:1-11

-         Book of Numbers: 1) Israelites in wilderness and tells the story of whether Israel will be faithful to God and keep moving toward the Promised Land.  2) “Numbers” refers to the counting of 2 generation of Israelite males who would be able to go to war.
-         This is a story about not taking credit for miracles provided by God (bringing water from a rock.)
-         Miracles – Do you believe miracles like water from a rock can happen today?  Why or why not?  What is a miracle?

John 4:1-14

-         In 1st century, the Samaritans were despised and considered outsiders to the Jewish faith.  Samaria was between Judea and Galilee.  Samaritans would often attack Jewish pilgrims journeying through their territory. Samaritans originate from intermarriage while many Jews had been in exile in Babylonia.
-         Jesus met a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in Samaria.  Jesus does two shocking things: 1) Is alone with a woman 2) Has a conversation with the woman.
-         Jesus is speaking spiritually and the woman is thinking literally. 
-         “living water” meant “flowing water.”  Literal water is a sign-post to the heavenly water that is available to this woman and to all of us.
-         How does Jesus as the living water make a difference in your life?

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