Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

October 2 Sermon – “Transformed Living: “Drawing Water”

Acts 12:1-7, 11-17

-         Herod’s use of the sword (as opposed to stoning) in executing James (brother of John) was his way of showing that the early Christian movement was a political threat to Rome.  Christians referred to Jesus as the true king.
-         From this point on, the other James (brother of Jesus) will become the leader of the Christian movement in Jerusalem. 
-         V. 5 – The church prays for Peter who Herod had put in prison.  They pray because they have seen God do amazing things already!  Peter gets released!
-         Rhoda announces that Peter is alive but the others don’t believe it.  The early church was a lot like we are today – sometimes not seeing that God does answer prayer!

Luke 18:9-14

-         A parable about a lawsuit, not a religious service.  (See the end of the parable involving a judgment by the Judge.)
-         The Pharisee emphasizes his good traits in his prayer while denouncing the hated tax collector nearby. 
-         The tax collector is showing genuine penitence and humility and the judge vindicates him.

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