Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Lasting Effects of Your School

Recently, a church member encouraged me to listen to a local talk radio station which featured a high school football coach of a Christian school who speaks negatively of public schools.  While I wasn't able to listen to this coach's opinions about public schools vs. Christian schools, I did come across this research, "The Lasting Effects of Your School" which appeared in a Christianity Today article.  Here's the full research report.  Scot McKnight, an evangelical blogger and New Testament bible scholar posted this, inviting readers to respond.

For the record, I graduated from a public school, a state college, a private liberal arts college, and a seminary, so I'm a mixed bag.  I didn't have any exposure to home schooling.  I see pros and cons associated with each of these types of schools.

I go jogging on a regular basis by a liberal arts university and a public school.  Exercise is a time for me to pray and to clear my mind.  Since I jog past these schools several times each week, I have made it a point to prayer for the teachers, the students, the support staff, and the administration, many of whom are members of my church!  I pray as I jog past these buildings for God to equip them to provide an education that will help the students to make a difference in the world.  I would pray the same thing if I was jogging past a Christian school or college.  I believe God can use all categories of schools. 

The results of the research are interesting.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Each day as I take my four mile walk I also use that time as a time to pray and clear my mind. I do go pass a school every day, but never thought about praying for the teachers in that school. I like that idea and will start doing it. As I walk, I use the five finger method of prayer. I will have to add this school to finger 2.

    And yes, you are a mixed bag of something. :)
