Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Sermon – “Transformed Living: Jumping in with Both Feet”

Hebrews 10:19-25

-         General Information about Hebrews: A letter that proclaims Jesus as our High Priest and a perfect sacrifice.  The readers are beginning to drift from their faith because they don’t see God’s promises being fulfilled in a timely manner.  The author is encouraging them to keep moving forward in their faith and trust in Christ.
-         Verse 22 offers four things for us regarding worship: 1) Have a true heart. (God begins from the inside/out!) 2) Complete assurance in our faith. Keep your focus on Jesus.  This is why we can have assurance. 3) Have hearts that are sprinkled clean.  God forgives us for our sins.  We don’t need to carry around guilt.  4) Be washed in pure water.  This is a reference to baptism which is how we enter into God’s family.
-         This passage emphasizes the importance of communal worship, not just private worship.    We all need encouragement!
-         What does it mean to stir one another up?  List some ways we can do this for each other.

John 15:9-17

-         V. 13 – Greatest love there is – to lay down your life for others.  This text was used a lot during WW I to encourage young men to fight for their country.  This raises the question on what is worth dying for?  How do we know that God is on our side?
-         Love is presented here as a commandment.  Since Jesus loved us, we can also love others.  This is how we can offer genuine love – by receiving the genuine love of Jesus.  Genuine love is what makes us truly human.
-         V. 16 reminds us to be humble.  Jesus chose us.  In world of many religious options, it’s important to note that people don’t choose Christianity, the Jesus of Christianity chooses them.  And hopefully, we respond.
-         Question: Why does Jesus command us to love if love is what it means to be truly human?  Why doesn’t loving others come naturally?  Or does it?

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