Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

October 30 Sermon – “Transformed Living: Filling the Bucket to Overflowing”

II Timothy 4:1-8

-         Paul writes this letter to encourage a young, timid, but gifted pastor to live out his sacred calling.  The 1st letter of Timothy defines a faithful congregation.  This 2nd letter defines a faithful pastor.
-         V. 2 – making things clear with patience – This verse shows the importance of not just giving people “information” about Christianity but to also share the “why.”
-         V. 3 – People want teaching that suits their interests and worldview.  We need to continually lift up the message of the gospel.
-         V. 5 – When we became disciples, it didn’t mean that this new way of life would be easy!
-         V. 8 – By using the word, “reward,” it reminds us of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6.  The reward is the joy of serving others and receiving God’s love in return.
-         At the end of our life, God will look at how we lived our whole life.  What we do now in this life matters even though we are saved by grace and not by works. In other words, through the strength of the Holy Spirit, we are to work with God in living out our faith.  The reward is when God’s new world appears, we will know that we have had a hand in participating with God in bringing about God’s kingdom.  That will bring us great joy.  That joy will be our reward.
-         V. 6 – Paul uses a worship/sacrifice metaphor.
-         V. 7 – Paul uses an athletic metaphor. 
-         V. 8 – Paul uses a law court metaphor.
-         V. 8 – Paul uses a “greeting the Roman emperor" metaphor.
-         In these four metaphors, Paul is saying, being poured out as a sacrifice while winning a race and being pronounced not guilty in a law court and being ready for the coming emperor (Jesus) is what are calling is all about!

Luke 18:18-30

-         Rich young ruler.  This is in contrast to the little ones who were just brought to Jesus in the previous passage.  The RYR did not come to Jesus with the same openness and vulnerability. 
-         In order to inherit God’s inbreaking kingdom, he needed to abandon the old and trust the new. 

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