Monday, October 24, 2011

Thank You, Martha Pool!

Here is my poem I shared at our Martha Pool Party staff lunch today.  To help understand the poem, Martha is known for her many sneezes, a time when she accidentally locked herself in her bathroom and the staff was very concerned, how she likes to quickly walk from room to room in the church, and how plants that don't have a home somehow make it into her office.  The names that appear in the poem are staff members. 

Martha is leaving our staff after twelve and a half years to take a full time position at the ADAMH Board here in Lancaster.  Some of her noticable responsibilities have included preparing our Sunday bulletin and monthly newsletter.  Her last day of work with us is Tuesday, October 25.

A Martha "Office Pool"
By Robert Vincent McDowell

I know we work in a Methodist Church, I’m no fool.  But let’s make our bets in an office pool.

How many sneezes does Martha have per day?  Cheryl says ten.  Pam says, 7.  I say, thir-tay.

Will she lock herself in a bathroom again?  Clarence says maybe. I say, It’s not if, but when.

What will she say when she answers the phone - that’s the test.  Peg says, “ADAHM Board” I say, First United Methodist.

How fast will she go since she just can’t keep still? Jill says superman fast.  I say, I agree with Jill.

Are we as fun as the ADAMH Board staff?  Deb says, let’s hope.  John says, nope.  I say, about half.

Will she agree to take all of the unwanted plants?  Hank and Sandra think so.  I say, not a chance.

And last but not least, who will most miss Martha?  I say it’s a tie.  But Sandy says, duh!

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