Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bible Study Summary - Upcoming Sunday's Scriptures

Sermon (Nov. 13) – “God-Given Talents”

Matthew 25:14-30

-         Common understanding of this story of the talents – Jesus is preparing his disciples for when he would leave them by telling them to use the talents he has given them to continue his ministry.  When he returns, he will judge us on whether or not we have used our talents.
-         Problems with this understanding: The original hears of this story who were Jewish would have understood this story as a story about God & Israel.  (Luke has a very similar story in Luke 19:11-27 in which he makes this connection.)
-         Talent = A unit of money equaling 15 years of wages.
-         What talents did God give Israel?  The law, the Temple, & the covenant promise that through them, God would bless the whole world.  God gave them these talents.
-         Did they use these talents and invest them?  No.  The scribes and Pharisees (worthless slave in the parable) hid their talents!  And now, the master has returned (Jesus) to judge them. 
-         The punishment: The impending destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans which would happen 30 years later. 
-         Who are the first two slaves who invested their talents well?  The ones who hear and respond to Jesus’ call to follow him to be the people God had always called them to be. 
-         Verse 30 is a verse that is often used to warn people to respond to Jesus and not go to hell.  Another meaning is that it’s a glimpse of what will be happening to Jesus when he is hung on a cross in the darkness to die for the sins of the world (Matthew 27:45-46.)
-         This is a story that reminds us of God’s love for us and for the many talents he has given us, and how Jesus offered all of his talents by dying on the cross on our behalf.

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