Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dave's Deep Thoughts

Here's Pastor Dave McDowell's weekly devotional that he sends out to members of his church. Dave is my brother and serves as the Music Minister at Stewartstown UMC in PA.
Sometimes, you just aren't sure which way to go.
I live in a garden.
It is beautiful countryside
with rolling hills, forests, and streams.

I have lived here much of my life,
so you would think I would know my way around by now.
I have lived here long enough,
that when people ask for directions,
I reference them to landmarks
that exist only in my memory.......

I've been known to say.......

Yeah, that's easy to get to.
Go down the road and turn left at the Smith's barn.
They tore it down a few years ago.
Then just turn right at the old Miller farm.
They are all dead now.

Yep, that's me.
Some help, I am.
I am pretty good with directions.
I have a strong sense of north, south, east, and west.
But just across the highway,
there is this town and surrounding region
that even I can't figure out.

The town is located at the base of some extreme hills.
It appropriately has the word Glen in it's name.
It's not an easy place to get to.

School buses have to squeeze their way
through one lane railroad underpasses
as they navigate blind curves and crying children.

I have driven roads over there
with curves that I am sure
far exceed 360 degrees,
thus making me feel like I am being flushed down a toilet.

Every rainstorm
turns into a flash flood
as every drop of rain works its way
to the center of town.

Straight, level roads do not exist in this zipcode.
But it's not just the geography
that confuses me.
It's the road signs.

Many of them start with the word Glen.
Glen Valley Road
Glenvue Road
Glen Ridge Court

My GPS quivers when I punch in this town's name.
Google Maps cringe with fear when I mention this zip code.

Occasionally I take food supplies
to this labyrynth that begins with Glen.
There is a ministry for single woman and children
to which we donate food.

As many times as I have somehow managed to arrive
at this hilly destination,
you would think I would know how to get there.

Not so much.
The folks there consider each donation of food
to be their miracle of the day.
I consider my arrival
to be the true miracle.

A trip to this ministry
is like playing a game of Chutes and Ladders,
but for me there are always more chutes than ladders.

A few days after Thanksgiving,
I was once again dared to cross the highway
and enter this land of hill and dale and misdirection.
This time,
I came away with proof.
It's not just me.
What do you do when you get to an instersection like this?
Sometimes you just reach confusing intersections in life.
Middle school felt like that.
College felt like that.
Many seasons of adulthood have felt like that.
Sometime's it's difficult to know which way to turn.
I am unlike most males.
I believe in asking for directions.
That includes prayer.
Sometimes you receive specific direction.
But sometimes you don't get clearcut answers.
Do I take this job offer,
or should I go another way?
Do I pick this school,
or is there another school out there for me?
Do I stay in this abusive relationship
or should I leave?
Sometimes the Lord give clear direction.
And sometimes, the Lord trusts us enough
to rely on the wisdom, information, and history
that He has provided us.
I believe there are times in our lives
when we aren't sure whether to turn right or left.
But I also believe that God is bigger than our decisions.
That whether we choose this path, or another,
all paths remain in God's ultimate will.
for those who put their trust in Him.
Are you at an intersection in your life,
where the road signs aren't helping?
The disciples were known to cast lots
when a clear decision wasn't on the horizon.
Perhaps the emphasis shouldn't be so much on the decision,
but on the One who will carry us through the decision.
After all, He has a pretty good track record.......
He has never been known to get lost,
even across the highway.
And we know that God causes ALL things
to work together for good
Romans 8:28

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