Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Celebrating a 2nd Christmas this Year!

Our church, First UMC will be celebrating a 2nd Christmas this year.  We will be praying for our West Ohio Conference mission's team as they prepare to leave for Samara, Russia (January 1-9.)  They will be spending time at a United Methodist orphanage.  Since Russia celebrates Christmas on January 7th, through our prayers, we can celebrate a 2nd Christmas with the team!

Dee Stickley-Miner who is leading this mission trip offered greetings to our church during our "Christmas Around the World" Advent sermon series on Sunday, December 11th as we focused on our mission partnership with Russia.  Some of our children presented Dee with Christmas cards that our Sunday School classes had made for the team to take with them for their trip. The cards will be given to children at an orphanage in Samara, Russia.

Thankfully, Dee has a web blog which will offer highlights of each day of the mission trip.  I will be posting her daily web blog here on Nikos to help us to continue to pray for her, the team, and our partner United Methodist Church in Russia.

As they say in Russia, S Rozhdestvom

Merry Christmas!

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